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Free Nuclear Physics By Roy And Nigam Book Zip .mobi Utorrent


In this post, we will cover some basic concepts in nuclear physics. Nuclear physics is a branch of science that studies the transformations and interactions of atomic nuclei. This type of nuclear reactions results in generation or conversion of energy or matter from one type to another. In this post, we will focus on the study related to theory and application of nuclear fission and fusion which are categorized as two main types. Nuclear power is a clean source of energy because the process does not produce greenhouse gases during production as other sources do. If you have any questions or would like us to cover any specific topics, please email us at info@royandnigam. com. HISTORY OF NUCLEAR PHYSICS Early Beginnings: Discovery of Radioactivity The discovery of radioactivity by Henri Becquerel was the beginning of the nuclear era. He discovered that uranium salt caused photographic plates to darken. He then studied this with Marie Curie and Pierre Curie, who then coined the term "radioactive" for this occurrence. The Curies found that radioactive elements released heat energy with no chemical reactions involved. They also found that radioactive elements give off alpha, beta, gamma rays and even X-rays. They also found out that radioactive elements can be induced to decay back into nonradioactive elements by bombarding them with alpha or beta particles. Fission: Discovery of Nuclear Fission In the early 1930’s scientists found two new elements by bombarding uranium. They were named neptunium and plutonium. In 1938, Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassman discovered that barium was being produced when uranium was bombarded with neutrons. The first experiment involving the fission of a nucleus into lighter nuclei was performed by Enrico Fermi in 1934, but he didn’t realize the profound implications of his experiments. In 1938, Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassman developed a model of nuclear fission involving uranium's nucleus. Nuclear Power: Development of Nuclear Power In 1938, Enrico Fermi demonstrated the first self sustained nuclear chain reaction in Rome. In 1942, the first reactor went critical at the University of Chicago under Enrico Fermi's supervision. The first nuclear weapons were manufactured in 1945. After WWII, more reactors were built around the world to generate electricity for civilian use and for Britain’s Royal Navy submarines and during the early 1960’s large-scale commercialization began with plants built by General Electric and Westinghouse on both coasts of America . cfa1e77820

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